TRMS gr 8 dance. Last photo at TRMS.
What a great night. TRMS Huskies.
TRMS gr 8 dance.
TRMS Gr 8 dance.
TRMS lost and found.
Getting ready for trms promotion ceremony.
TRMS gr 8. Class of 24-25.
TRMS gr 8 class of 24-25.
Mr Brown frog dissection.
TRMS Gr 8 at WOF.
TRMS PTA ice cream break at spring fling.
7th grade having fun with Mrs. Kellogg doing improv!
Little friend discovered outside during Spring Fling!
Perfect weather for this year's TRMS Spring Fling! Thank you to all of our volunteers and staff who worked so hard to make this a successful day for the kids!
TRMS spring fling.
Ice cream & weed pulling!! TRMS students making a difference during our sprinfling.
Gr 6 student in Mrs Cape's classroom sharing with her classmates about Kenya. 🇰🇪
Mrs. Kings 5th graders had some fun turning the classroom into a coffee shop and sharing their Poetry Portfolios.
5th hour Winners with 6 pounds 12 ounces. Mrs Johnson's ckass.
3rd hour Winners with 6 pounds 1 ounce. Mrs Johnson's class.