USD 231

USD 231 wishes to express our heartfelt appreciation for all that our libraries and librarians do for our students, staff, and community. Their dedication to fostering a love of reading and learning in our communities is truly inspiring.

Libraries are more than just a collection of books. They are places of discovery where individuals of all ages can come to explore the world around them. From the latest bestsellers to historical documents, libraries offer something for everyone.

But perhaps the most valuable resource that our libraries provide is our librarians. With their vast knowledge and expertise, our librarians serve as trusted guides in our quest for knowledge. They help us navigate complex topics, locate hard-to-find resources, and provide valuable insights into the world around us.

So, to all USD 231 librarians, thank you for your unwavering commitment to education, knowledge, and community. You truly make the world a better place.

And to everyone who has ever visited one of our libraries, we encourage you to take a moment and send a note of "thanks" to our librarians!!